Gender and racial stereotypes have an influence on all of us, including how we behave, and how we relate to each other. It is never too early for children to start seeing positive examples of women who are authentic and true to themselves.
'From Anna Wintour to Zadie Smith the ABC of inspiring women around the world’ is a children’s book that aims to encourage the next generation to learn the alphabet whilst learning about diverse women trailblazers around the globe.

Source: Instagram: five.under.five
On the back of news that only 1% of children’s books feature a lead character from a BAME background,this creative children’s book features inspiring quotes and beautiful illustration of diverse powerhouse women like Princess Di, Victoria Beckham, Beyoncé, Michelle Obama and Zadie Smith, and many more.
Raimah Amevor, founder of Mindfully Kids commented: “This ABC children’s book is a simple but powerful way to show girls and boys, inspiring women from around the globe in different types of roles fostering gender-egalitarian attitudes from a young age.This is important because gender bias and socialisation in early childhood can have a long-term impact. Studies have shown that boys and girls as young as 7* are negatively impacted by gender stereotypes.
“In some societies boys are more valued than girls.Gender and racial bias experiences can shape children’s attitudes and beliefs in a potentially harmful way impacting their future relationships and psychological well being. This book pays homage to inspirational women who are authentic and challenge perceptions for what it means to be a modern day woman.”
In addition to the popular names it also features the late talented Khadija Saye, British Gambian photographer who sadly passed away in the Grenfell Tower fire. And Najlaa Sheekh, the peacebuilder and founder of Kareemat (meaning “women with dignity in Arabic”), an organisation based in Turkey that supports Syrian refugees by helping women find employment opportunities and dissuades young men in the region from taking up arms.
Gemma Britton, Head of Fundraising and Communications at Peace Direct said:“The idea for this book is brilliant. As an organisation that supports local peacebuilders, Peace Direct finds that those working to end conflict in the most dangerous places in the world are often overlooked –and women even more so. Including Najlaa in this book recognises those we don’t normally hear about who work tirelessly to create lasting peace.Local peacebuilding is low-cost and sustainable, yet so often overlooked for financial support. That’s why we are so pleased a donation will be made to Kareemat for each book sold.”
The founder of Mindfully Kids and Author of this inspirational and education children’s book, Raimah Amevor is a proud black British intersectional feminist who is on a mission to challenge stereotypes which are formed as early as 4 years old.
Merging her passion for child development and mental health she has created Mindfully Kids brand which seeks to empower children around the world to be mindful and independent thinkers that look beyond stereotypes and limiting beliefs. Positively inspiring the next generation,our children (future young leaders), embracing and celebrating diverse and empowering women of this decade and beyond.
Mindfully Kids has pledged to donate £1 for each book sold to the charity Kareemat, (founder featured under ‘N’for Najlaa) and will rotate yearly with charities close to their mission.
Tagged in feminism