Following our look into the world of the Flat Earth Theory last week, we've decided this time round to take a glimpse at one of the leading conspiracy theories on the net; that of a New World Order, and of course the Illuminati. Here we explain exactly what the concept behind the theory is, and ask the question of whether or not a New World Order could really be something that exists.

What is The New World Order?

The New World Order is something that crops up in numerous conspiracy theories, with claims that it's an undercover totalitarian world government that will one day emerge and rule over the entire planet. Their primary goal is to achieve domination over every country, implementing their all-encompassing propaganda whilst replacing sovereign nation-states.

The term "new world order" is something that has been used throughout history by politicians such as Winston Churchill, which conspiracists point to as evidence that it is a fully-realised idea that will one day be complete.

One of the most famous speeches from a leading politician was by President George H. W. Bush who described how he would like America to progress following the Cold War in September 1990: "Until now, the world we've known has been a world divided—a world of barbed wire and concrete block, conflict and cold war. Now, we can see a new world coming into view. A world in which there is the very real prospect of a new world order. In the words of Winston Churchill, a "world order" in which "the principles of justice and fair play ... protect the weak against the strong ..." A world where the United Nations, freed from cold war stalemate, is poised to fulfill the historic vision of its founders. A world in which freedom and respect for human rights find a home among all nations."

Many of those who believe in impending doom and the "end time" prophecised in the Bible think that the New World Order is tied into all of that. They believe that a False Prophet - who has made a deal with the Devil to gain wealth and power - will become instrumental into forcing humanity to accept a utopian world government that is backed fully by a world religion, which will later reveal itself to be the imperial cult of an Unholy Trinity (Satan, the Antichrist and the False Prophet).

It's all very supernatural, and not something the non-religious sectors of society would ever really come to believe without a heck of a lot of convincing. Take out those religious elements however, and it's not beyond the realm of possibility to believe that the greatest powers across the globe are one day hoping to run a totalitarian world government...

Photo Credit: Pixabay
Photo Credit: Pixabay

The Illuminati

Founded in 1776 by university professor Adam Weishaupt, The Order of the Illuminati was a secret society made up of advocates of a number of different ideologies including gender equality, free-thought, secularism, liberalism and republicanism. Though the Order survived for almost a decade, it was infiltrated in 1785 and broken up by government agents, with no evidence to this day that the Order survived.

Despite that, conspiracy theorists consistently point to the secretive nature of the Illuminati as proof that they are still very much active, but keeping their movements completely incognito due to fear they'll be destroyed once more.

Many use anti-Semitic tropes when referring to the Illuminati, claming it was set up to serve Jewish elites and divide the world. This is clearly just another way for bigots to allow their ignorance to run rampant and sow divisions.

Then there are those who think the Illuminati is influencing the world through pop music and the like, which is why so many musicians including Lady Gaga and Beyoncé have had eye imagery scattered throughout the music and videos they put out to the world (the eye being the official symbol for the Illuminati).

So how does this all tie together with the New World Order? Many believe the Order of the Illuminati to be a branch of those in power who are preparing the world for the NWO. So what do you think?

NOTE: Conspiracies are theories often created with a lack of evidence. Each of our conspiracy reports are based on online research, but should never be taken as 100% fact.

NEXT WEEK: Did The Titanic really sink?

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