Keyword – Focus
Overall Theme
The question isn’t whether you can get your engine revved up. You have so much energy you aren’t exactly sure what to do with it, so you need to be careful that you don’t run around in circles chasing yourself and tiring yourself out. Movement isn’t that satisfying, if in the end nothing much gets accomplished.
You really are like a little puppy this month. Enthusiastic, joyful and ready for anything. Just remember to breathe and you will find everyone around you absolutely willing to engage in any adventure you want to initiate. This makes for a lot of fun and the beginning of some important new relationships.
Take care not to find yourself playing a game of the grass-is-greener with yourself. Instead, initiate something new and inspiring within, because it really is a time of creating a new vision and a new focus you can bring to fruition, once you finish the personal inventory that needs to be done.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Sitting still and taking stock isn’t your usual modus operandi. You really do believe that action is always the answer, no matter what. Just know that you need to do both this month. It’s not a question of either/or. Take all that energy that is oozing out of your pores and create a space that allows you to see the road ahead, rather than just running down it.
Keyword – Sustain
Overall Theme
You may be wondering where to find a flotation device that can keep your head above water. After all it feels like life has somehow set you adrift. Granted a lot of stuff is swirling around you and in you. Embrace your capacity to not just ride things out, but to take whatever life dishes out and create something out of the chaos that sustains you.
You aren’t sure you like people right now. Any people. That’s because you find yourself being triggered by the most insignificant interactions. Why? You are in the midst of recalibrating exactly what relationship is to you. Honor your need for space and contemplation. Be clear about what works for you. This strengthens the most important relationship you have – the one with yourself.
Expect this to be a time of a lot of hard work. And you welcome it with relief. At least one area of your life is familiar and comforting. Just recognize, that although this is your sanctuary, it too is going to change – for the better. Opportunities arise later this year.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
It’s obvious. You wish you could just ignore life. After all, 2022 has initiated a ground swell of challenges, big and small, that often seem insurmountable. Just take a moment to acknowledge that you haven’t crumbled, and that you have a deep reserve of inner resources you can rely on, provided you look within.
Key Word – Vigilant
Overall Theme
Your optimism is high, and you are itching to get things moving. Yet, you feel like something is holding you back. It’s you. Or more specifically, the part of you that likes to question anything and everything. The part you often ignore. It’s time to listen to your spidey senses.
An abundance of new people cross your path and, at times, it will feel a little overwhelming. Go with the flow. Because in the end, there’s a couple of diamonds in the rough, significant relationships that have the potential to change the course of your life. Accept you won’t be able to spot who it is in the moment.
Just what is it, you continue to ask yourself. Well, the answer isn’t forthcoming just yet, largely because you are not ready to whittle down your priorities. This month offers up a significant opportunity – both in terms of a new career/job opportunity and being able to refine your definition.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
There’s a strong inner desire for life to be more solid, more tangible, and you find yourself bored with your usual need to be constantly entertained. Be kind to yourself. See this as a chance to deepen your knowledge of you and integrate the deep inner wisdom you have unconsciously developed into your daily life. You are always much more than your curiosity.
Keyword – Love
Overall Theme
Caught between two tidal waves. That’s you. One calls upon you to immerse yourself in old habits, old patterns, old dramas. The other challenges you to seek the new, to see the potential in you and your future. Both offer you something valuable. The first, healing. The second, hope. Trust you are more than capable of navigating this process.
You find yourself seeking a level of stability in others that may be difficult to find. Recognize that what you are seeking in others, you first need to discover within. Be loyal and kind to yourself. Ask yourself if you meet your commitments to you. In fact, what are your commitments to you?
A new pathway opens up unexpectedly and you aren’t quite sure what to do about it. Follow your intuition. There is definitely potential here but be aware that all might not be as shiny and bright as it first appears. Trust yourself and you can make this work in ways that surprise and inspire you.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Be aware that fear is playing a larger role in your life right now than usual. Acknowledge it. Understand that it is a response to the changes you’ve been making in your life. It’s not easy to step outside your comfort zone, but you are doing it. And it’s yielding a stronger sense of self. Celebrate that.
Keyword – Initiate
Overall Theme
Life feels like a bunch of puzzle pieces that don’t quite fit. Time to use that rejuvenated willpower you have in spades to do more than just work with this reality. You need to initiate a new strategy to clear out any obstacles and drive your life forward. What’s required here is less generosity of spirit and more self-interest.
You may find it difficult to listen to others right now, not because you don’t care, or you aren’t interested. Rather it’s somehow you just stop tuning in. Your system is clearly more focussed on what’s going on inside you. Once you acknowledge that and create space for it, you can be present in your relationships.
More than hard work is required now to build the structure for what comes next in your life. You have to think outside the box and be prepared to shift direction at a moment’s notice. This leads to long-term success in manifesting your desires. A plan is just that. A plan. Not a certainty.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Anger and/or frustration are likely to be constant companions this month. Don’t ignore it. Or try to understand it. Accept it and find a healthy way to express it. Your body and your consciousness are releasing old stuff. Yes, how you are feeling is being triggered by current circumstances, but they are not the source. It’s the past.
Key Word – Resilient
Overall Theme
Truly, you aren’t sure how much more you can take. It’s hard for you to see beyond the feeling you are being pushed to the brink of your endurance. Whether this is mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual. Remember, no one has the capacity to adapt, to find ways to persevere that you do. Trust that and you are ready for the relief that is just around the corner.
You are torn between the need to see and hang out with the people you love and the desire to retreat, to spend time on your own. On an internal level, you are doing some deep and powerful healing and your circuits simply can’t process much of anything else. So, choose to honor that and spend time with people who support you.
This month is definitely a time to take stock and rethink, recalibrate and reinvent yourself, your hopes and wishes, and any plans you have already set in motion. It’s not about a complete change in direction. It’s more about creating space for something unexpected to manifest. Something that will shift your plans into high gear.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Healing work is hard. And there are times when you wonder if it’s worth it. This is normal. Please remember that healing is not something easily measured. And trying to do that is the very thing that leaves you feeling like you are riding a bicycle up a waterfall. So, celebrate you and your commitment. You will get there.
Key Word – Adapt
Overall Theme
Life is not unlike a bouncy castle. You can’t seem to get grounded, and everything is just out of your reach. Whether it’s a thought, a solution, or that can of tomatoes way at the back of your cupboard. The message? Make space to create something new and let go of anything that is past its due date in your life.
Take the risks necessary to initiate new beginnings with the people in your life. You are a little or is that a lot frustrated with what you feel is a basic lack of consideration and civility in how others treat you. Instead of expecting people to read your mind (or seething or being passive aggressive), speak your truth.
Believe it or not, this isn’t as important right now as you like to think it is. At least, not in the areas of career/work/money. These are just your default focus when you find yourself overwhelmed with more personal stressors. Time to redefine success in your personal world. Even if for just the foreseeable future.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
It’s not a time for trying to plan the next six months of your life, much less the rest of it. Although the temptation exists to do just that. Instead, open the door of all possibilities and see what pops up in your consciousness. This is the first step in creating something new. Without it, you will just get stuck.
Key Word – Light
Overall Theme
All those deep feelings you like to keep hidden, not just from others but from yourself, are pushing up and demanding to be heard, to be released. Quite uncomfortable, right? Try as you might, you cannot control them. So, let them be. It will lighten your load and leave you feeling like there is more space in your body.
Expect this area of your life to be a major catalyst for change. In many ways. From feelings of deep appreciation for some people and feelings of profound repulsion for others. You are simply taking stock in the way you do best.
Listening to your gut. No point in engaging your mind. It’s all down to those pesky emotions.
You are experiencing a faint feeling of dissatisfaction when it comes to what that word even means to you. The issue isn’t success. It really is more about what sustains you on a deep, inner level. You feel something is lacking and you are having a difficult time putting your finger on just what that is. Could it be actually connecting to yourself in all your complexity?
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Just remember that whatever is deep within is you. All your experiences, all your feelings, all your beliefs and all the conclusions you have drawn about life. They definitely need excavating, so you can claim the treasure that is there, take out the garbage, transform the toxic, and recognize the passionate, powerful being you are.
Key Word – Feel
Overall Theme
The urge to go somewhere, anywhere is overwhelming. In fact, you feel like if you don’t you are going to climb out of your own skin. One thing is certain. No matter where you go there you are. Travel won’t alleviate the internal discomfort. However, it could enlighten you, provided it’s not an escape but a journey.
Time to address a long-standing sense of uncertainty with someone very important to you. Be gentle with yourself and with them. Riding roughshod doesn’t really heal anything. Trust yourself, be vulnerable and you will be heard. Plus you learn things that totally change the trajectory of this relationship.
Be careful not to let all the restlessness you feel lead to any long-term decisions about work and your resources. Hold fast. Your commitment will bear more fruit than you can currently project. Remember life always has zig and zags. A new adventure awaits, provided you have the patience not to jump the gun.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
It’s not so much that you are bored. You are uncomfortable. This makes it hard to find the fun or joy in anything. Well, just sit with what you are feeling. Discomfort is just much a gateway to freedom as light and laughter. It opens the door to what you need to process so life can continue to be the adventure you desire.
Keyword – Release
Overall Theme
Your brain is in overdrive, trying to fix things in the past and trying to anticipate the future. Neither is productive or healthy. At the root of this is a fear of living in the present with all its uncertainty. Take time to reconnect to your ability, your talent for always finding a solution to life’s ups and downs.
Add this to your list of things you just don’t understand right now. And carry on. It’s okay not to know who you are in relationship, what you desire or how you can make that happen. What’s required is contemplation of how your values have changed and are changing before you can answer those questions.
A new cycle of success is just around the corner in the work/career area of your life. And it arrives when you least expect it. Which is probably a good thing. That way you don’t get the chance to hyperventilate and wonder what could possibly go wrong. Go with it. The results will astound you.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Stay grounded in your body. Otherwise, life will feel like a never-ending rollercoaster ride. The source of this is the conflict between fear and anticipation. You know life is changing and you aren’t sure whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing. How about it just is. After all, you always figure out how to work with what you got.
Keyword - Joy
Overall Theme
Time to choose to be happy. No matter what happens. There’s no doubt you will be called upon to stretch yourself, to welcome new challenges, and to heal old wounds. Just connect to that deep reserve of determination and strength you have. It gives you the faith to take the plunge into a brand new world.
Your motto right now is people are okay, sometimes. This leaves you inhabiting that aloofness everyone thinks you live in anyway. Your reluctance to engage really isn’t about anyone but you. The truth is you are busy with yourself and other people don’t really factor into it. Just let the those closest to you know you are on an internal journey.
An old path may yield new opportunities. Don’t reject it before taking a good, long look. It might look the past on the surface, but this opportunity promises an abundance of everything you desire, professionally and personally. Just don’t get stuck in the residue of past results and disappointments. Instead, initiate this with an open heart and a clean slate.
Pitfalls and Potential Challenges
What you currently identify as heaviness is really gravitas. You truly are becoming the authority in your own life. Not always the easiest thing since that is not a word you particularly like. Well, if you really need to, you can choose the word power instead. Either way, the time has come to take yourself seriously.
Keyword – Strength
Overall Theme
One minute you know exactly where you are going and what you are doing. And the next? Well, it feels like you need a course correction. Trust yourself. Follow your knowing, even it seems the very opposite of your original intention. Life really does spin on a dime right now. And doing that is one of your greatest strengths.
Expect any and all communication between you and the rest of the world to ping pong back and forth between clarity and complete fog. The key is not to let it affect your relationships adversely. It’s just that most of the people you know are doing exactly what you are. Trying to get their feet firmly planted on the ground.
It can feel like there’s a lot of talk and no action in pushing your way forward with a new project you put your heart and soul into. Recognize this is not so much a stumbling block as it is a question of timing and the opportunity for a miracle in the form of some welcome support to show up. Then it will be all systems go.
Pitfalls and Potential Problems
Refrain from a constant need to analyze every experience, every decision, every thought, every feeling right now. It won’t yield anything but fatigue and confusion. Instead, embrace all that optimism zinging around in you. It’s contagious and it’s leading you in a direction guaranteed to show you just how fantastic you are.
Lesley is a gifted practising professional astrologer and intuitive with 24 years of experience.
For more information, please go to her website – www.lesleyfrancis.com
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