Tracy Morgan

Tracy Morgan

Tracy Morgan is still "fighting to get better" following his car crash in New Jersey in June.

The former '30 Rock' star, who suffered brain injuries, a broken femur, broken nose and broken ribs when a Walmart truck smashed into the limo bus in which he was travelling in with friends in New Jersey, is trying to get back to the person he once was.

Speaking outside the federal courthouse in Trenton, New Jersey, his lawyer Benedict Morelli said: "Mr. Morgan is a fighter. He's fighting to get better.

"If there's a chance to be back to the Tracy Morgan he once was, he is going to try to do that. We just don't know."

But Morelli admitted Tracy is still struggling, according to

Asked if he is doing much better, he replied: "He's doing better.

"We are hoping and praying to get him back to the way he was. But the jury's out."

Tracy was extremely upset when Walmart recently accused him of being at least partially responsible for his injuries, as the company believes he wasn't wearing a seatbelt when the crash took place.

He hit back at the retail giant on Twitter, writing: "My friends and I were doing nothing wrong."

Aside from his physical injuries, Tracy is also grieving the loss of his friend James 'Jimmy Mack' McNair, 62, who was killed in the crash.

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