Paris Hilton decided to plead guilty to drug charges yesterday, and luckily for her she sauntered out of court with no jail time and just a $2000 fine, 200 hours of community service plus a warning to keep her nose clean or face going to prison.
Anyway, it looks as though her day out to the courthouse has been causing her trouble at work, as she's been denied access to Japan. Yes, the actual country.
Paris flew out to Tokyo to honour business commitments she’d made to promote something else that she's releasing off the back of being Mr Hiltons daughter, but airport officials wouldn’t let her in the country because anyone with a suspended jail term needs to have “special reason” to enter.
Paris has now issued a statement about the whole situation; "Paris Hilton was delayed by immigration authorities at a Japanese airport this evening after arriving for business obligations planned many months earlier. Paris was contractually bound to her business trip and didn't want to let down her brands and many Asian fans. She intended on fulfilling her contract and is trying hard to do the responsible thing, but this is beyond her control. She is very disappointed by tonight's events."
Well obviously she's disappointed, because it's going to hit her in the pocket, serves her right for being a badass if you ask me.
FemaleFirst - Ruth Harrison
Tagged in Paris Hilton