Mario Cantone

Mario Cantone

Mario Cantone is sure his co-star Sarah Jessica Parker will be the perfect mum to her new baby twins - because her six-year-old son is perfect.

Parker and her husband Matthew Broderick announced last week (28Apr09) they are set to become parents to surrogate twin daughters.

The tots, due this summer (09), will be sisters for their son James Wilkie, and Parker fears she won't be able to balance her acting roles with her home life once the twins arrive.

But Cantone, who played Anthony Marentino in the hit U.S. show, insists the actress has nothing to worry about, and heaps praise on her and Broderick's parental achievements so far.

He says, "That kid James Wilkie is so cute and so brilliant and so smart and he's got such a wit about him

"I only spent a little time with him but I fell in love with the kid. I just think he's something else. He's like a smart, witty, appropriate child and that's rare."

And Cantone is adamant Parker has always harboured dreams of having girls in her brood.

He adds, "She wanted girls I'm sure and I think it's good. And I also think if you're going to have one child, you should have another. The only child thing is a tough thing."