Lynn Collins

Lynn Collins

Lynn Collins has her sights set on returning to celebrated New York arts school Juilliard to teach kids what she has learned about acting.
The star spent four years at Juilliard High School of Performing Arts and admits it was an amazing experience that really set her on the path to success as an actress.
And she'd like to pay her teachers back by becoming one of them and sharing her experiences in Hollywood.
Collins says, "I was actually told to go into drama when I was 14 and I really approached it like a job.

"I knew I had to do it legitimately so I went to Juilliard and spent four years there honing the craft and took it very seriously.
"I would love to go back and teach there. I'm working out when that would be appropriate timing wise.

"When I was there we didn't have a film class so I'd like to teach a class where they do scenes where you tape them and see what they look like, and teach students how to relax in front of a camera."

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