Lindsay Lohan Dumps Friends To Stay Straight....
Lindsay Lohan has been forced to dump some of her closest friends since leaving rehab six months ago - because she can no longer trust them to help her stay sober.The former party girl insists her summer stint at the Cirque Lodge in Utah has turned her into a new and better person.And she's had to make drastic cuts in her entourage to make sure she's never tempted to drink or take drugs again.In a revealing new interview for Britain's Glamour magazine, the Mean Girls actress says, "There are friends that have been hard to hang out with because they've gone done a different path."It's hard because I'm the kind of person who wants to trust everyone."I'm fine being alone during the day, but I hate being alone at night. I like having friends around me."But Lohan insists the choices she's making now will help people who dislike her to realise she's not all bad: "(People think) that I don't have my head in the right place... and probably that I'm not a good person."
Tagged in Lindsay Lohan