Emily Blunt Hates Hollywood....

British actress Emily Blunt has vowed to remain in her native England because she hates Hollywood.The Devil Wears Prada star insists she feels 'suffocated' by the unrelenting career drive of Los Angeles, and is happy to live in the U.K. - despite being a big star.She says, "I'm going to stay in London. Hollywood is so competitive and ruthless, so I'm not going to move to Los Angeles."The quest to succeed oozes from every corner of the city and I find it suffocating. It's like a meat market. L.A. is a city of false hopes" Meanwhile in other news The Devil Wears Prada star Emily Blunt was disappointed to be turned down by a modelling agency in her teens - as she was convinced she was 'the next Kate Moss'.The actress, 24, was spotted by a talent scout, and was confident she could follow in the footsteps of the British supermodel.But Blunt was livid after the scout realised she had made a mistake.She says, "I went through a horrendous geek stage. I thought I would never come out of it. When I was 16, this spotter came up to me and said, 'Do you want to be a model?' And I was like, 'Oh my God, I'm going to be the next Kate Moss'."But then they took some Polaroids of me and the lady said, 'On second thoughts, you're too short and you look like you have a broken nose'. I was screaming".

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