Drew Barrymore and ex fella Fabrizio Moretti, Strokes drummer, are back together - but purely for professional reasons. The pair split in January (07) but have agreed to put aside their differences to work as producers on a new TV show for VH1.The programme, called Clash of the Music Videos, will feature contestants remaking classic 1980s music videos. Their efforts will then be judged by the stars of the original video. Moretti was Barrymore's first fella since splitting with her husband Tom Green in 2001 they had been married just six months.This wasn't Barrymore's first brief marriage after her for better, for worse nuptuals to bar owmer Jermey Thomas in 1994 on lasted a few months.Moretti and Barrymore met backstage at a Strokes concert in 2002.Barrymore is still a very bankable name in Hollywood starring most recently with Hugh Grant in Music and Lyrics. The actress has a worldwide box office gross of over £2.3 billion.
Tagged in Drew Barrymore