Demi Moore

Demi Moore

Demi Moore will be forever thankful for the delayed flight that sealed her relationship with Ashton Kutcher - because the pair first spent the night together during a disaster layover.
Moore and Kutcher were on the same delayed flight out of New York long before they wed in 2005.
She recalls, "That was kind of life-changing. I was here (in New York) the night I met Ashton and was on the tarmac and the pilot got on (the intercom) and said, 'We have a level five storm, you have to go back (and wait for a flight)...'"
But the actress insists the frustrating trip was a happy accident - because it turned into her first intimate night with the Hollywood star.
She adds, "I got out (of the plane) and there was not a cloud in the sky. And sometimes layovers turn into sleepovers."

The couple married in 2005, after dating for two years. The actress already has three chidlren with her second husband Bruce Willis.