Britney Spears Gay Proposal
Will Britney go gay?No, I'm not talking about her love life!I'm speaking of party promoter Jeffrey Sanker's upcoming White Party, the huge gay extravaganza he'll be throwing inwhere else?Las Vegas.I just got word that Sanker has invited the embattled pop star to perform during the Columbus Day weekend festivities.".I would love to offer Britney the chance to return to...the Palms Hotel, her own ground zero, where all those are saying she so imploded, and redeem herself with her very loyal gay community," Sanker said.If Spears takes Sanker up on his offer, she'd join a list of past Sanker performers that includes Jennifer Lopez, Toni Braxton, Kelis and one of my faves, Wicked star Idina Menzel.Oh, and get this: Sanker also promised Spears that if she signs on, he'll invite the now legendary YouTube Spears fanatic to join them in Sin City, ".just to get him to shut up and stop crying.".
Tagged in Britney Spears