Britney Spears is set to offer ex Kevin Federline a multi-million dollar cash-for-kids deal in a bid to get joint custody of her two sons Jayden James and Sean Preston say newspapere.The distraught singer made her secret move after Federline banned her from her youngest boy's birthday party last week. According to Britains the News of the World Spears is desperate to stop the battle over custody from going to court because she fears Federline will dish so much dirt on her that she'll lose, so the offer thrashed out with lawyers will involve a gagging clause to stop her ex pursuing what she sees as a vicious campaign to show her as an unfit mother. Spears hasn't helped her own cause with a disastrous glassy-eyed and bloated "comeback" appearance at the MTV awards, but then again Federline is no innocent following reports of a sex and cocaine orgy. Freinds have told the newspaper that Britney is a caring devoted mum despite her lifestyle, adding the kids mean the world to herFederline, 29, was seeking to have the children 70 per cent of the time with Britney getting only 30 per cent Britney hopes he'll agree to the reverse in return for cash. Britney's change of tactics came in an emotional week for her with the birthdays of both of her sons. On Wednesday Federline celebrated Jayden's first at the Kiddyplayland children's themed restaurant in Los Angeles, Britney was not invited but her younger sister Jamie Lynne and mum Lynne and dad Jamie were. The star is also feuding with her mum who is siding with Federline in the bitter custody battle. Then on Friday it was Sean Preston's second birthday. Her pal said: "She feels she is being sidelined by her family. And she won't let that happen."
Britney thinks Federline will accept her deal because she believes his main motive for fighting for custody is money, freinds said to the newspaper "If he got custody it would mean massive sums in child maintenance and that is what Britney thinks he is after,".
The couple married in September 2004 and filed for divorce in November 2006 with Federline recieving £10,000 a month in maintenance, but former dancer has spent months compiling a damning dossier on her as he tries to get the children too.
Both Britney and Federline have hired top Los Angeles private detectives to gather evidence against each other to use in their custody battle, with Federline's man already serving writs on her two former female assistants, her nanny, her drug rehab counsellor and her former business manager, as well as her former bodyguard Daimon Shippen.
The Federline evidence is believed to show Britney drunk while with the kids, and friends say that she realises that she did go wild, often leaving the children with the nanny to go out partying and it doesn't reflect well on her as well her breakdown will be used against her.
Spears is said to be worried that sleazy details of her sex life and alleged drug taking will emerge if there is a court hearing, especially as details of alleged lesbian romps and non-stop benders have already been published, as well as her public breakdown and 28 day spell at the Promises Rehab Clinic.
Tagged in Britney Spears