Britney Spears has a whole new career planned out if her pop comeback fails. She wants to become a waitress.The 25-year-old mother-of-two was overheard asking for a job during a night out at Hollywood hotspot Les Deux on 6 July (07), and even asked to speak to the venue's manager about a vacancy. An insider tells American magazine Us Weekly, "Everyone thought she was joking, but she was dead serious. "She looked through her calendar and said that she couldn't do it 'this day, this day or that day' because she has her kids."But she asked if she could begin the following Saturday."In recent months the world has watched Briney Spears fall to pieces as her marriage to Kevin Federline failed and she entered rehab.Since leaving rehab she has begun work on her new make or break album but reports suggest that the release of the record has been pushed back until next year.

The singer currently finds herself in the middle of a fight with her mother Lynne. Spears handed her mother a banning order that prevents her from seeing her two grandchildren 22 month old Sean Preston and 10 month old Jayden James.

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