Wrecked DVD

Wrecked DVD

Regaining consciousness in a wrecked car, Adrien Brody’s (The Pianist, King Kong) character finds himself trapped, injured and alone with a dead body in the back seat, a glove compartment filled with cash and absolutely no recollection of where he is, who is or how he got there.

Expertly conveying the horror and suspense of an inconceivable situation, Adrien’s role in the film is not only central but almost entirely solitary.

The director brilliantly draws on the actor’s critically acclaimed talent, subtly building the tension and gradually revealing the horrifying truth of his situation in a story filled with ghosts and taunting memories of a forgotten life.

Wrecked intelligently engages the audience in this mystery right from the first scene, so viewers find themselves constantly asking - what would you do? Then, a spectacular twist in the tale delivers an unpredictable and dramatic turn which will satisfy appetites of even the most discerning film enthusiasts. 

Wrecked features a haunting minimalist score and incredible special effects to create an eerie sense of unease. Clever camera work and use of an almost real time pace create an atmosphere in which both fears and frustrations intensify.

The Blu-ray and DVD versions both feature incredible bonus footage including behind the scenes and ‘The Woman’s Perspective’ featurette that bring even more to the story. From start to finish, Wrecked will enthral viewers with its intimate style of production, which creates a feeling that you are part of the main characters unfolding experience.

In a season rich with sole-survivor films, Wrecked’s effortless talent and agonising attention to detail places it high above the rest. Visually inventive and gripping from the first scene, make sure you experience this tale of one man’s struggle for survival against all odds and bring the horror-thriller Wrecked into your home cinema from 29th August.