Water For Elephants DVD

Water For Elephants DVD

Starring: Robert Pattinson, Reese Witherspoon, Christoph Waltz, Hal Holbrook
Director: Francis Lawrence
Rating: 3.5/5

There have been plenty of book adaptations that have made it onto film this year and Water For Elephants has been one that I have enjoyed the most.

The movie is based on the acclaimed novel by Sara Gruen and beings together an impressive cast that includes Robert Pattinson as well as Oscar winners Reese Witherspoon and Christoph Waltz.

Veterinary school student Jacob (Pattinson) meets and falls in love with Marlena (Witherspoon), a star performer in a circus of a bygone era.

They discover beauty amidst the world of the Big Top, and come together through their compassion for a special elephant.

Against all odds -- including the wrath of Marlena's charismatic but dangerous husband, August (Waltz) -- Jacob and Marlena find lifelong love.

First and foremost this movie is just stunning to look at as the circus is brought to life on the big screen - from a visual perspective director Francis Lawrence has done a truly sterling job!

Water for Elephants is an old fashioned romantic drama, and we don't get many of them today, and you can help but be swept away in the story of forbidden love.

It's good to see Robert Pattinson break the shackles of Twilight and take on a more adult role, and it's something that suits him well.

You believe that he would do anything to protect Marlena and there is a real chemistry between Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon.

The Oscar winning actress looks stunning from start to finish - but it would have been nice to see the movie delve a little deeper into her troubled marriage.

But, once again, it's Christoph Waltz that truly steals the show as the slightly nutty August who runs his circus with an iron fist.

But what is so great about the movie is Lawrence never tries to be too ambitious - and while there is an inevitability to the story that isn't necessarily a bad thing.

Water For Elephants is a sweeping romance story that takes you right to the heat of the depression era of the 1930's.

The movie will carry you along and has a real charm and heart to it. Well worth a watch!

Water For Elephants is out on DVD & Blu-Ray now

FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw

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