Valentine's Day DVD Review
Starring: Julia Roberts, Emma Roberts, Anne Hathaway, Jessica Alba, Ashton Kutcher, Jamie Foxx, Jennifer Garner, Jessica Biel, Bradley Cooper
Director: Garry Marshall
Rating: 3/5
Garry Marshall, the man behind Pretty Woman and The Runaway Bride, is back in the director's chair for this ensemble piece.
An all-star cast comes together in Valentine's Day, which follows the intertwining storylines of a diverse group of Los Angelenos as they navigate their way through romance and heartbreak over the course of one Valentine's Day.
Couples and singles experience the pinnacles and pitfalls of finding, keeping or ending relationships in a day in the life of love.
This is the ultimate celebrity spotting movie anyone who is anyone is makes an appearance and it really does have to be accepted for what it is.
If you go in to watch this movie expecting an Oscar winner then you will be severely disappointed. However if you go in looking forward to kicking back for a couple of hours and having a giggle then this is the movie for you.
It's sentimental, it's silly, it's a little unoriginal, trust me you can spot the Ashton Kutcher/Jennifer Garner storyline a mile off, but it's a real crowd pleaser that doesn't take itself seriously.
The actors are all in their comfort zones, yes there's nothing overly taxing here, but there are great, and very funny turns, from Kutcher, Biel and Hathaway, who is totally brilliant as a adult phone entertainer.
What's great about this movie is it shows love over the generations from schoolboy crush, sex for the first time (with hilarious consequences), break ups, loneliness, and a marriage that has spanned fifty years.
However with the long cast list the film flits from storyline to storyline without really delving into much of a backstory, it would have been great to see Julia Roberts and Bradley Cooper's stories developed a little bit further.
So it doesn't exactly reinvent the genre of the romantic comedy but this movie delivers a great story as well as plenty of laughs.
This movie does exactly what it says on the tin, however the Eric Dane story comes as a bit of a shock, it's just one of those feel good movies that you can't help but get swept away with.
Valentine's Day is out on DVD and Blu Ray now
FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw
Tagged in Valentine's Day