Mr Popper's Penguins DVD

Mr Popper's Penguins DVD

Starring: Jim Carrey, Angela Lansbury, Carla Gugino, Ophelia Lovibond
Director: Mark Waters
Rating: 3/5

Funnyman Jim Carrey teams up with a bunch of penguins for his latest movie and, if you can accept it for what it is, then it’s a lot of fun.

Uptight, pompous Mr. Popper, (Carrey) finds himself responsible for the care of six adorable but feisty penguins after the death of his father.

As Popper attempts to prise the precious Tavern on the Green restaurant from Selma Van Gundy (Lansbury ), his cold heart begins to be warmed by the presence of the playful penguins, making him fall in love with his family all over again and helping everyone make the right decisions for the future.

It’s not often that you see Carrey play second fiddle to anyone but the penguins really do take centre stage and they really are great and very funny.

Director Mark Waters really does find humour in the everyday and he has brought together a bunch of characters that you can’t help but like.

But at the heart of this comedy is a very human story about building relationships with your family and making up for lost time.

Through the penguins Popper realises that there is more to life than work and that he has missed too much of his kids’ lives.

Ok so the movie does descend into chaos in the middle - turning you apartment into an ice box and not one really raising an eyebrow is a little odd - but you can’t help but get swept away in the madness of it all.

Mr Popper’s Penguins is a tad predictable but the movie is full of laughs and is great fun for all the family.

Mr Popper’s Penguins is out on DVD & Blu-Ray now

FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw

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