Last Night DVD

Last Night DVD

Starring: Keira Knightley, Sam Worthington, Eva Mendes, Guillaume Canet
Director: Massy Tadjedin
Rating: 3.3/5

Massy Tadjedin makes her directorial debut with Last Night, a script that she also penned herself, as she brings together an impressive cast for a tale of marriage, trust and infidelity.

Joanna (Knightley) and Michael Reed (Worthington) are 7 years into a successful and happy relationship.

They are moving along in their lives together until Joanna meets Laura (Mendes), the stunningly beautiful work colleague whom Michael never mentioned.

While Michael is away with Laura on a business trip, Joanna runs into an old but never quite forgotten love, Alex (Canet) and agrees to have drinks with him.

As the night progresses and temptation increases for the couple, each must confront who they are inside and outside of their relationship.

Last Night is a simple story about the complexity of marriage and relationships and questions what is betrayal?

Are both Joanna and Michael guilty of infidelity, despite one going further than the other? Is emotional infidelity just the same as physical infidelity? And these questions are looked at beautifully with this movie.

The cast are excellent as Knightley is torn between her husband and the love for a man that she knew years ago and never really got over.

While Worthington battles hard against the desire for another woman - whilst never questioning the love that he has for his wife.

They both deliver emotionally honest performances as they fight hard to stay true to each other and the vows that they made.

Tadjedin has created a group of incredibly interesting and complex characters, all of them troubled in some what and, perhaps, questioning the decisions and commitments that they made in the past.

This is not an in your face relationship movie it's very understated, shot quite beautifully - although the pacing at times may be a little slow.

Ok so it may not be the most original story that has ever been committed to film it certainly will resonate with audiences as it asks questions that many of us will have during a relationship.

This is a very solid debut from Tadjedin as she leave the audience to make up it's own mind about who is in the wrong and who has betrayed who rather than trying to ram an answer or opinion down your throat.

Last Night is out on DVD & Blu-Ray now

FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw

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