Julia's Eyes

Julia's Eyes

Starring:  Belan Rueda, Pablo Derqui, Lluis Homar, Francesc Orella
Director: Guillem Morales
Rating:  4/5

It’s been quite a while since we have seen Guillermo Del Toro in the director’s chair but he return to producing duties with another very creepy horror movie Julia’s Eyes.

The movie sees him team up with director Guillem Morales, who is making only his second feature film.

Julia, a woman suffering from a degenerative eye disease, finds her blind twin sister Sara hanged in the basement of her house.

Julia decides to investigate what she feels is a murder case, entering a dark world that seems to hide a mysterious presence.

As Julia begins to uncover the terrifying truth about her sister’s death, her sight deteriorates, until a series of unexplained deaths and disappearances cross her path.

Julia’s Eyes falls just short of being a really great horror movie because it is ever so slightly too long and the suspense is drawn out just that little bit too much.

But apart from that this I a real gem of a movie and is one of the best horror films that I have seen this year - it is just as creepy, suspenseful and atmospheric as The Orphanage; which was also produced by Del Toro.

The movie never dips in suspense as Morales plays on everyone’s fears of not being able to see the things that haunt them.

Belan Rueda is superb in the central role of Julia who struggles to cope with her sister’s death and the degenerative eye problem that makes her world so much scarier.

This really is a masterpiece in tension as the audience, much like Julia, is left wondering who to trust or if she is going crazy.

The movie crescendo’s into a superb tense finally as Julia finally comes face to face with what is haunting her.

Morales really has crafted a very tense thriller that will have you on the edge of your seat from the word go - proving once again the foreign horror movies really are the best.

Julia’s Eyes is out on DVD & Blu-Ray now

FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw

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