Inception poster

Inception poster

Inception is the first film directed by Christopher Nolan since he made the astounding Dark Knight. That film broke records left, right and centre and proved that superheroes could be more than just a cheap cash-in. To follow it up, he said he would be making a "heist movie set within the architecture of the mind" and already people started to get excited.

The film was released in cinemas during the Summer and is now out on DVD and Blu-ray, for those who missed it, they missed one of the movie events of the year. Christopher Nolan's film pushed effects to the limit, it confused, it thrilled, it left people in awe.

The premise, Leonardo DiCaprio specialises in extraction, a form of stealing which happens inside peoples' minds. Inception is when someone breaks into the mind of the subject and they plant an idea, a much more difficult concept. DiCaprio has to do this as one last job, so he can go home to his children.

It's hard to talk about Inception without spoiling something, it's also hard to read a review and get a full feel for the film, it really needs to be seen to be seen why it's so good. The complexity of the film along with how mesmerising it is, is really why it's such a joy to watch. It works on two levels, on the face of it, you have an incredible action film, with brilliant set-pieces. On the second level, it has a complex movie about dreams and the sub-conscious and the consequences of delving into the mind of another human.

The film itself is a joy to behold, it holds up surprisingly well on the small screen with such huge set-pieces, some of it could easily be lost, but it still feels as powerful as it should.

Both the Blu-ray and DVD have similar special features, with a look at dream research, a comic animation of the prologue The Cobol Job. The Blu-ray features looks at signature moments through the film with commentary on them and the DVD feature trailers, galleries and promotional art.

FemaleFirst - James Butlin

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