Holy Water DVD

Holy Water DVD

A new breed of hardened criminals holds siege a remote Irish town in the hilarious comedy Holy Water, released on DVD on 31 May 2010 following its cinema release earlier in the year.

Linda Hamilton (The Terminator), features in a cast that also includes John Lynch (Sliding Doors, Merlin), Lochlann O’Mearain (King Arthur, The Tudors), Cian Barry (Doctors, The Bill), Susan Lynch (Waking Ned, Elizabeth: The Golden Age), Adam Astill (Mistresses) and Angeline Ball (Doc Martin, EastEnders).

Directed by Tom Reeve (George and the Dragon, Diggity: A Home at Last) this hilarious comedy all done in the best possible taste is perfect viewing on DVD and also includes the making of documentary aptly named A Taste of Holy Water.

For four bachelors of Killcoulin’s Leap, life is passing them by. The remote Irish village holds no future, no career opportunities and very few eligible women, so when Sean (Barry) decides to leave the pressure is on.

The solution: to hijack a lorry load of Viagra that travels past their village each day and sell it in Amsterdam.

Since the erectile dysfunction pills are legal they wouldn’t be drug dealers right? After a few close calls, our heroes find themselves in possession of 18 tons of Viagra.

What they thought would be worth a few thousand quid turns out to be worth millions! Instead of the heist barely causing a stir, Pfizer call in the special ops security team led by Cory (Hamilton).

Our heroes, Gaffer (John Lynch), Podger (Cornelius Clarke), Donal (O’Mearain) and Sean are forced to improvise and hide their loot down the Holy Well and (as these things sometimes happen) it all seeps out into the town’s water supply!