Groundhog Day Blu-Ray

Groundhog Day Blu-Ray

Relive the magic of Groundhog Day over and over. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment releases the Bill Murray comedy classic, Groundhog Day, on Blu-ray for the first time on November 5, 2012.

The digitally re-mastered Blu-ray arrives with newly-discovered deleted scenes, three featurettes including 'The Study of Groundhogs: A Real Life Look at Marmots', 'A Different Day: An Interview with Harold Ramis', and a making-of documentary, as well as a running commentary by Ramis, all for an RRP of £12.99.

Bill Murray is at his wry, wisecracking best in this riotous romantic comedy about a weatherman caught in a personal time warp on the worst day of his life.

Teamed with a relentlessly cheerful producer (Andie MacDowell) and a smart-aleck cameraman (Chris Elliott), TV weatherman Phil Connors (Bill Murray) is sent to Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, to cover the annual Groundhog Day festivities.

But on his way out of town, Phil is caught in a giant blizzard, which he failed to predict, and finds himself stuck in small-town hell.

Just when things couldn't get worse, they get worse; Phil wakes the next morning to find it's Groundhog Day all over again... and again... and again.

Click here to pre-order Groundhog Day on Blu-Ray

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