Fifty Dead Men Walking

Fifty Dead Men Walking

With his city a conflict-strewn gangland, charismatic chancer Martin is arrested and recruited by the secret service.

Sensing his whip smart, street-wise attitude as an asset, his handlers coerce him into performing the most terrifying assignment imaginable: to infiltrate a splinter group as a double agent.

Earning a formidable reputation as a dependable foot soldier, Martin reluctantly rises in the ranks, all the while risking his life feeding information to his handlers.

Though his skills result in countless lives being spared, his existence begins to spiral out of control as his superiors’ suspicions are aroused.

As the possible discovery of his deception closes in on every side, he must fight for everything he believes in and sacrifice everyone he loves before capture and certain death become a chilling reality

Starring Ben Kingsley and Jim Sturgess and inspired by the true story of Martin McGartland, who is still in hiding today, “Fifty Dead Men Walking” is intense, explosive and electrifying at every action-filled twist and turn.

Fifty Dead Men Walking is released 7th September.