Captain America: The First Avenger DVD

Captain America: The First Avenger DVD

Starring: Chris Evans, Hayley Atwell, Tommy Lee Jones, Stanley Tucci, Hugo Weaving, Dominic Cooper
Director: Joe Johnston
Rating: 4/5

Marvel movies have been a huge success this year and Captain America: The First Avenger gave us the first opportunity to see Chris Evans take over the role of Steve Rogers.

When Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) volunteers to participate in an experimental program that turns him into the Super Soldier known as Captain America.

As Captain America, Rogers joins forces with Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan) and Peggy Carter (Hayley Atwell) to wage war on the evil HYDRA organization, led by the villainous Red Skull (Hugo Weaving.)

Director Joe Johnston brilliantly blends the action hero movie with the traditional war film throw in some great action sequences and characters that you can’t help but like and you have a great thrill packed movie.

As we have seen so many times in the past origins stories can get too bogged down in setting the scene of how the superhero became that way - thankfully this is not the case with Captain America.

It’s a fast paced script that quickly shows the selfless nature of Steve Rogers and his desire to represent and defend his country during a time of war.

Chris Evans is perfectly cast in the title role not only from a physical aspect but he also embodies the patriotic and compassionate aspects of Rodgers’ personality.

Old fashioned patriotism and decorum are on show from Evans at every turn and you can’t help but root for the underdog who finally finds his voice and achieving his desire to fight for his country.

He is supported by a wonderful cast that includes Hayley Atwell who takes on the ballsy Peggy Carter, the dry humour of Tommy Lee Jones, the eccentricities of Stanley Tucci and Hugo Weaving is an excellent baddy.

And while the movie has some great action sequences and fantastic CGI Johnston never forgets the time in which the movie takes place and the period sets just add the finishing touches.

Captain America: The First Avenger has a little bit of everything action, adventure humour, charismatic lead, great villain, strong woman, and a little hint of romance; though I am glad to say that it’s not too in your face, and all this adds up to a great ride.

The twenty first century revamp of this popular character is a huge success and this movie can more than hold it’s own against the likes of Thor and Iron Man.

Captain America: The First Avenger is out on DVD & Blu-Ray now

FemaleFirst Helen Earnshaw

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