When you dream about toes, it generally means that you are having thoughts that make you feel secure.

Dreams on Female First

Dreams on Female First

Whatever is going through your mind in your waking hours gives you a sense of stability, balance and confidence.

Something could be happening in your life right now that is making you feel like you’re in control. You are standing on your own two feet and it feels good. You can hold a position- in other words- you have faith that you can keep hold of whatever is in your life at present; a job, a relationship, a feeling or a role for instance.

If you lost some toes in a dream-it’s possible you feel a lack of belief and steadiness in your life right now. What can you do to get this back or establish it? Perhaps you need to lean on someone temporarily to get through this wobbly phase in your life.

Consider the phrase- ‘dipping your toe in the water’. The dream could be telling you to try something new out- to sample it- just to see what it’s like. You might find that it turns out to be something you love, but if not- you’ve not committed yourself wholeheartedly to it.

To wiggle your toes in your dream suggests that you could benefit from getting outdoors more. Your naked feet could be a sign that you need to feel some sand or grass between your toes. Do you need to book some time off work?

Another interpretation of wiggling your toes, could be to see how much ‘wiggle room’ you have in a situation. If your toes were free- then you may have more scope than you think. If they were constrained by some sort of footwear, it’s possible you need to be more modest with your ideas.

MORE: Female First's A-Z Dictionary of Dreams 

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