To dream about the number six is usually a sign of negativity. 

Number Six on Female First

Number Six on Female First

Perhaps you are having bad thoughts about a person or a situation. Maybe you are experiencing something at present that is not pleasant. 

It’s possible you are behaving badly right now and you are aware of the consequences of your actions. If so, how can you put it right? Or reduce the temptation to continue? 

Whatever the reason for the pessimism in your life, the dream might be your subconscious telling you to try and turn things around. 

You may have it in your power to reverse these thoughts, feelings or emotions but you just need to believe that you can first. 

On the other hand, you may be anticipating something bad in the near future. If you aren’t preparing yourself for it as best you can, the dream may be a reminder to you to create some damage control. 

If you can’t prevent it, finding a way to cope with it might be the answer here rather than falling apart altogether when it finally happens. 

If you dislike someone in your waking hours, it might be wise to examine where these feelings are coming from. Have they actually done anything to hurt you or is your jealousy of their success making you greedy for more than you have?  

Consider the phrase ‘six feet under’- have you been thinking about your own mortality lately? Or are you thinking about death because it has affected you in a personal way? 

The dream could simply mean that you need to make more of your life right now if you are wasting opportunities and not living for today. 

MORE: Female First’s A-Z Dictionary of Dreams  

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