To dream about talking to someone else suggests that there is an aspect of your life or part of your personality that you are thinking a lot about lately.

Dream Interpretation: Talking
You may not be prepared to act on this side of yourself, but you are intent on exploring it and discussing it to find out more.
If you have recently started a new habit or run with an idea, it’s possible this is why you dreamed about talking. Simply because it is at the forefront of your mind and important to you right now- hence you want to talk about it as much as you can.
This dream might also reflect someone new who has entered your life lately and are sharing ideas with or finding out new things about.
Perhaps you feel you need to articulate some ideas that have been in your head up until this point. Who can you trust to tell this important information to? Do you just need to write them down?
More negatively, talking in your dreamscape could be down to an ongoing issue you would like to resolve. Perhaps sharing this problem with someone else would help to alleviate some of the burden or give you an idea of how you can tackle it.
Consider who you were talking to in your dream. If you were taking to yourself- you may be fearful of something right now or feeling jealous or insecure and the dream is telling you to have a good talk to yourself. These feelings might be irrational and perhaps you need to find a way to channel your energy into something more positive and worthwhile.
If you were talking to someone else and you were struggling to get your message across, perhaps you are having trouble communicating your ideas and thoughts in your waking life. If the person was ignoring you- you may feel like you aren’t being supported by someone you need it from the most.
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