To dream about something new is linked to new ideas, new experiences and new perspectives about the world. 

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Are you brimming with new thoughts on how to do something? If so, it might be time to share these concepts with others to get them in motion. Or simply, to use your motivation to get it up and running yourself. 

Perhaps you are about to enter into a new phase of your life or recently have and you are anxious or excited about what this might bring. 

Or maybe something has happened lately to make you see things in a different light. 

The interpretation can be further extended to new relationships and new feelings about someone in your life. 

Do you favour someone more in your waking hours than you once did? Or perhaps you have seen someone for who they truly are and it’s not a pleasant reality. 

MORE: Female First's A-Z Dictionary of Dreams

You may have entered into a new relationship lately and you are still figuring out what it means to you. 

It’s possible you have acquired some new resources or are working on a new skill. Perhaps you have found some new found strength from something that has happened to you. 

Have you taken on a new identity? Perhaps you have made some physical or mental changes that have made you a different person. 

Do you have a new lease of life after changing something for the better in your world? A new eating regime, a new job, a new home or a new exercise perhaps?

This may have led you to see life, the things and people in it in a new way. 

Are you maturing in your thoughts and feelings because of this recent change? 

RELATED: What does it mean to dream about a vaccine?

Perhaps you struggle with a vice that threatens to monopolise your every waking thought. You want to become immune to these temptations but you struggle to resist them. Do you need some professional help or to talk to someone you trust about these feelings of a loss of control? You may believe you are in a dangerous situation at present and want to protect yourself from harm as well as those around you. What do you fear the most right now? Is it a real threat or are you being paranoid? Consider who was in the dream with you- maybe you feel that this person or people want to infect you or taint you in some way. If you believe them to be a bad influence, perhaps the most productive thing to do is walk away. This could be your best defence if you feel their behaviour has got out of control...

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