Silver is thought to be a sign of luck. Have you fallen lucky lately? Or do you generally feel lucky to be where you are in life and surrounded by the people you are?

Dreaming about silver? Find out what it all means below...

Dreaming about silver? Find out what it all means below...

On the flipside, perhaps you feel your life lacks luck, that you are consistently unlucky person. If this is the case, perhaps this is more about a persistent and negative mindset. It’s possible you focus only on the so called unlucky times and ignore the moments when things have gone in your favour.

If you were handed a silver object in your dream- try to recall what it was as this will offer greater significance to the dream.

A silver bracelet could be linked to offspring. Are you ready to have children? If so, this could be why the bracelet featured in your dream. Perhaps you are already expecting a child and this symbol is linked to the anticipation of parenthood.

Silver is often associated with the moon and femininity, as the moon is the sister of the sun, so perhaps you need to embrace your feminine traits with more gusto.

In the same vein- do you feel like something is out of your reach at present? The moon and thus the silver could be a manifestation of this. Do you need to readjust your goals?

Consider the phrase, ‘born with a silver spoon in their mouth’ which refers to someone who appears to live a privileged life. Could this describe you? Do you live a life of immunity? If so, can you use this to help others?

Perhaps the dream is about someone else close to you. If they seem to lead an advantaged life- it will serve you no purpose to compare your accomplishments with theirs. Concentrate on what you can change not what you can’t.

Silver is also synonymous with purity of emotion. Are your feelings unaffected by others or are they contaminated with jealousy and resentment?

If you were wearing silver jewellery in your dream, it’s possible you need to tune in to your emotions more. If you tend to bottle them up- it might benefit you to find a release.


Dictionary of Dreams by Rose Insera

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