When you dream about mixing, it’s generally because two or more areas of your life are becoming more seamless.

Dream Interpretation: Mixing

Dream Interpretation: Mixing

They are all blending together. This could be a mixture of people, a mixture of ideas or a mixture of parts of a situation. Whatever it might be- it’s all coming together.

Perhaps there are two people in your life who are complete opposites and are now finding common ground. You might see the world differently to someone else, but you are agreeing to disagree because your relationship means more to you than focusing on the things you don’t see eye to eye on.

It could be about merging aspects of yourself and your personality coming together. It’s possible that you were feeling at war with yourself and suddenly- things are starting to align in your mind.

Think about the creative aspect of your life- are you underpinning this to give it more potential or structure?

Perhaps you are creating new plans and ideas and they are falling into place side by side with little effort from you- it is a happy coincidence that you are grateful for.

On the flipside, if the mixture you created was bad, perhaps you are worried about two things or two people coming together as you know that it or they will clash.

Do you have an upcoming event where two people will attend who don’t get on? Maybe you are one of the people and are worried about seeing this person.

It’s possible you know of two people who will get along fine however they will be a bad for one another because they share the same vices.

You may be worried about someone who is cooking up a plan that will cause disruption to the peace in your family unit or social circle.

Do you or does someone close to you have bad intentions? If so, this could be why you dreamed about mixing. Bad thoughts are one thing- but acting on those thoughts is what matters most.

Source: www.dreambible.com

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