To dream about Mickey Mouse suggests that you want everything to exude perfection to those around you.

Dreams on Female First

Dreams on Female First

You may even think the idea ridiculous that you need to keep up this pretence, but you do it anyway. If this sounds familiar- who are you doing this for? Are you covering up problems that need to be addressed with someone in your waking life like a family member, friend or work colleague?

The dream could be telling you that you can only keep this up for so long but eventually the truth will come out. It might be wiser to focus on the things that need tackling now before they get out of control.

Perhaps you need to worry less about appearances and more about the people closest to you. Those who judge and comment may not be worth your time. Your loved ones are.

Mickey Mouse is synonymous with Disney, so your dream could be your subconscious urging you to take a holiday or find time for rest. If this is your favourite place to vacation- the character may symbolise your need for escapism and recuperation.

Consider the phrase a ‘Mikey Mouse operation’ suggesting that something is poorly executed or organised. Think about the things in your life that you feel are beneath your usual standards. Perhaps you have let yourself down lately by not putting as much effort s you could have. On the other hand, maybe someone is doing something to a substandard level and it’s causing you grief.

Could you do it better? Perhaps- but does the person in question need to learn?

On the flipside- if their low standards are unacceptable- the dream might encourage you to distance yourself from this person if they are dragging you down with them.

Or, maybe they need your help to reach their potential. They may be a burden now but with your guidance could be just as good as you.


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