To dream about lava suggests that you perceive some danger in your future.

Dreams on Female First

Dreams on Female First

Perhaps you want to avoid something under any circumstance. If this sounds familiar, perhaps it would help to try and understand why you want to steer clear of this. You may well be right to do so, but it might benefit you to examine the why.

On the flipside, perhaps you want to keep your distance from something that you fear is dangerous, but you don’t know why. Perhaps you need to explore this further to understand yourself better and what you do and don’t want in your life.

If you saw the lava flowing down the hillside, perhaps the dream is telling you to go with the flow and not try to resist something. It might be better to go along with something rather than try to stop it in it’s tracks or slow it down. It’s possible it is going to happen anyway so you might as well accept it or you could end up getting hurt while attempting to change the course of something that is already determined.

Do you find yourself in a situation in your waking hours that you don’t want to get too close to? If this sounds like you- this might be a smart move if one of the risks is the possibility of losing everything you hold dear.

Along the same vein- if the lava in the dream threatened to take everything away from you that is most important- your subconscious might be telling you refocus your time and efforts on the people you love. Maybe something has come along to make you realise that nothing else matters except the people in your life.

If you saw your home being destroyed by lava but your family were safe, the aforementioned is even more relevant. If you place too much importance on things- remember what truly matters in life.


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