To dream about a medal suggests that you tend to crave outside acknowledgement for the hard work you’ve put in. 

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

You might even be expecting it. Perhaps you are someone who thrives on being rewarded for the time and effort you put into something. 

The dream could be acting as a reminder to you that your opinion of your abilities and talents is just as important as those around you. 

Maybe you need to indulge in some self-praise more often rather than waiting for others to give it to you. Know your worth. 

If you were being given a medal, consider who was passing it to you. Perhaps you felt you were the best at something until this person came along and you think they can do it better. If this is the case, it might be worth seeing this as a positive as you can learn something from them. 

Maybe you are more experienced and competent than they are at something- in which case don’t be cocky and arrogant- everyone has to start somewhere. 

MORE: Female First's A-Z Dictionary of Dreams

If you don’t like being labelled ‘the best’ even if you are- the dream could be focusing on your discomfort with this. If someone is making you the centre of everyone’s attention- it might be wise to approach them and discuss your unease with this. 

It’s possible that you are relying too much on your past successes and not driving yourself to achieve anymore. It might be time to stop living in the past and start making more of an effort. 

If you were being given a gold medal, then you know you gave something your all and no one can fault you. 

If you received a silver medal, you may feel that you didn’t give something your best shot- you could have tried harder. Perhaps a small error meant that you just missed out on something you really wanted. With that said, it’s an error you will know not to make again. 

A bronze medal implies that your efforts didn’t impress those it needed to enough. It’s possible that you aren’t as ready as you thought you were for something. There is always next time.  

RELATED: What does it mean to dream about flapjacks?

If you are angry or upset about something that’s going on in your life at present, it may be wise to talk to someone about it before you make a spectacle of yourself or before you verbalise your thoughts. Along the same vein, if you are someone who is easily agitated, is there something you can do or someone you can see to help you to move away from this natural reaction? It could be that you tend to get in a panic or frenzy and it’s driving people away or hurting you professionally so it might be prudent to do something about it now, before it’s too late. Consider who was in the dream with you for additional meaning as this could be the very person who is trying to provoke a reaction in you because they know you always respond in this way... to read more click HERE 

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