The meaning behind dreaming about a cabinet depends on what type of cabinet you saw while you were asleep. 

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Take, for instance a display cabinet- perhaps you are trying to showcase the best parts of yourself to someone lately.

While this may be a good plan to attract their initial attention, the dream could be telling you to give them some idea about the things you are trying to hide too.

Particularly if this is someone you want to form a lasting relationship with. You may owe it to them to be more truthful than you currently are. 

On the other hand, if there were things you were proud of alongside things that you are not so fond of being displayed in the cabinet, you may be quite comfortable showing people both your good and bad sides. 

To see a filing cabinet refers to facts or important things that you have stored. 

Do you need to find a more effective way to organise these in your waking hours, or perhaps you need to reference something from your most valued documents. 

Are you struggling to locate a particular piece of paper? 

A filing cabinet can also be linked to things you can’t let go of. 

If you were emptying a filing cabinet, perhaps you are trying your best to rid yourself of something that has been at the back of your mind for a while now. 

You may be tackling things from your past that you’ve had locked away for many years. 

Perhaps you did something that others around you are choosing not to forget. 

Maybe you are struggling to let it go and the cabinet is a representation of you storing and replaying this event in your mind. 

To stuff lots of items in a cabinet and lock the door implies that you are overwhelmed lately but you are choosing to hide things in the hope that they will go away. 

Sadly- this technique won’t work and you need to face up to what is behind the door. 

A cabinet containing a TV could mean a number of things. If you were closing the cabinet over, perhaps you are spending too much time being entertained and you need to take a break from the time you spend looking at screens. 

On the flipside, if you were opening the cabinet and you found a TV behind it, it may be time to give yourself a break, especially if you have been working hard lately and not had any downtime. 

Consider what was on the TV as it may be related to what you are going through at present. 

Try to remember where the cabinet was located. Depending on the room- this could refer to different aspects of your life.

For example, if it was in your kitchen- do you need to alter your eating habits? If the cabinet was in your bathroom, would you benefit from cleansing something from your life in order to move on?

RELATED: What does it mean to dream about a pan? 

If you dreamed about a frying pan, it’s possible you are being shallow or superficial over someone or something and need to look at the bigger picture. If the pan was empty in your dream, this could indicate a feeling of loss, disappointment or a sense that you will experience this in the near future. If you were cleaning a dirty frying pan, then you feel satisfied or content about something you’ve achieved in your waking hours or anticipate this feeling over something you are about to complete. A frying pan that is new and cold could indicate your lack of desire or drive to achieve something or acquire something...

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