To dream about a babysitter is related to feelings about being lumbered with someone else’s problems.

Dreaming about a babysitter? Here's what it all means...
If someone is trying to share the burden of their issues with you- it might be time to tell them that it’s not your responsibility.
If they need help you may be the person to teach them how to deal with their grievances on their own. This might be the kindest thing you can do- if they always rely on other people to carry the weight- they may never learn how to cope.
Perhaps you are bored with someone in your life who seems to have a constant stream of problems. If this is the case, do you need to distance yourself from this person if they are a drain on your mood rather than functioning as a radiator?
On the flipside, do you feel pressure to keep an eye on someone in your waking hours? Perhaps you feel they are too risky to leave on their own. There may be a person in your life who you feel needs protection because they are vulnerable. If you think no one else is going to help them, you may feel obliged to take this role on yourself.
Another interpretation is that you are surrounded by people who are being childish. If you feel overwhelmed by their behaviour- perhaps you need to cut all ties with these people if you are able to because they no longer fit in with your way of thinking. There is a distinct age or maturity difference between you and the cracks are starting to show.
Is there a person in your life you would describe as a slob? Perhaps you are sick of picking up after them and they need to realise that is not your job to clean up their mess. Do you need to give them some home truths?
Another thought is; you believe there to be someone with new found power who is trying to control you and you are finding it difficult to accept because you think their status is undeserved.
If you have children in your waking life, it might reflect feelings about how you are raising them. Do you feel your kids hold you back?
Tagged in Dream Interpretation