Dreaming of being buried alive can conjure up negative images and feelings but some argue it actually means you have talent that you haven't yet tapped into or explored.

We find out what it means to dream about being buried alive
You may have a burning ambition or an activity you once did that you stopped for whatever reason. Your unconscious could be telling you to pursue it again or for the first time. Alternatively, you may be focused on something already, but you are not reaching your true potential in that part of your life. It might be time to push yourself a little further and see where it takes you.
If you have felt underappreciated at work or at home or haven't been awarded or praised for your efforts, then perhaps your confidence has taken a hit lately. This might be what has prevented you from looking further into this project or aspiration.
Or it could be that you feel you need to start something new and you are searching for something to capture your interest.
Another suggestion is that you are being undermined by someone in your waking hours. Consider the people in your life- who lifts you up and who puts you down? It might be time to distance yourself from the person who makes you feel bad about yourself and fill your time with those who make you feel competent, capable and appreciated.
If you can pinpoint this person- are they also trying to stifle your progress in some way? If so- do you need to sever ties with them or tell them how they make you feel?
Or perhaps it’s you who is stifling your own progress in life. Do you make excuses for not getting ahead or are you settling when you don’t have to?
It’s possible you are feeling trapped or helpless at present. Is there anyone who can help you to escape this feeling? Or is it something you need to work on and overcome alone?
What or who is making you feel stuck? If you can address the reason, then you are well on your way to finding a solution.
Source: The Complete A-Z Dictionary of Dreams
Tagged in Dream Interpretation