Dreaming that someone is missing can be less about them and more about you.

Dreams on Female First
Perhaps you think you are missing something deep inside or in your life right now. Think about what you feel you lack and consider the things you can put in place to feel more fulfilled again.
It could be an aspect of your personality that you are refusing to focus on or accept.
Consider the person who was missing- it’s possible you feel there is something absent between you and them in your waking life.
If you feel it's difficult to communicate or understand this person sometimes or vice versa, this could be why they were gone in your dream.
You may be pining for this person or feel that they are gone from your life.
Has he/she recently moved away, or have you suddenly become less close than you used to be? Has this person recently passed away?
There might be a void in your life since he/she has physically gone, moved or emotionally pulled away.
Maybe you have some unresolved issues with this person that need to be addressed if you are still able to.
Does it lie more with you? Have you neglected or overlooked their needs lately?
Perhaps you were exploring just how much he/she means to you. Your subconscious might have been handing you the worst-case scenario in order to remind you just how much value this person if you have been taking them for granted.
You might not have been focusing a lot on what this person represents lately. If they are fun, maybe you feel you need to have a good time, if they are organised- perhaps you think that your life has degenerated into a bit of a mess lately. If he/she spiritual- have you missed being mindful and in tune with the here and now?
Do they represent something that is deficient in your life?
Tagged in Dream Interpretation