The meaning of the dream is entirely dependent on your marital status in your waking life.

We find out what it means to dream about a spinster
If you were a spinster who was spending time with other spinsters, then you may have some happy social events on the horizon with like-minded people. You are probably looking forward to these because you will be in good company with people who understand you and don’t judge you for your life choices.
If you are married and dreamed about being a spinster- this could predict some unexpected changes in your life- these could be related to your relationship or perhaps something else, but be prepared for things to be different.
If you are currently single- dreaming about being a spinster might be a nudge for you to find a new attachment if that isn’t what you want for your future. If you have been neglecting your love life- it might be time to put more effort into finding the one.
The dream could simply mean you feel you are nearing or are past typical age for marriage or children. It’s possible you are ready for your partner to propose, ready for children with your loved one or are worried that you haven’t found anyone yet but you want to have a partner and have a baby.
On the other hand, you may have recently come to the realisation that you prefer being single and are happy to live a life without marriage or children. You are embracing spinsterhood. Even if you aren’t- you may have accepted that this is the way your life is headed.
Another interpretation is that you want some time alone. Perhaps you just need some time by yourself to think about your life and the direction it’s headed without the distraction or involvement from anyone else.
Tagged in Dream Interpretation