If you dream about a prairie, you may find that you will make progress in the near future that is not obstructed by anyone or anything. It will be easier than anything else you have undertaken because nothing will get in your way.

We find out what it means to dream about a prairie
A prairie covered with grasses and flowers represents feelings of joy and happiness. Perhaps you are in a positive place in your life right now and the dream is telling you to count your blessings. Alternatively, you might yearn for such positive feelings if you are in a negative place emotionally.
On the other hand, a barren prairie could mean loss or sadness and the absence of company. Is it time that you made the effort to improve your social life? Could this help to improve your mood and help fill the void that’s appeared?
If you were lost in a prairie, perhaps there’s been a big upset lately or maybe you’ve had some bad luck recently. Try not to dwell on what has been and look to the future. Your luck won’t always be bad and you won’t always feel the way you do now.
Another thought is an open prairie could be symbolic of the unconscious mind. Perhaps you need to explore yours to make sense of something in your current waking hours.
Prairies are typically affected by severe droughts or torrential downpours- the dream could be telling you that you are an all or nothing person. You live from one extreme to the other. Perhaps it’s time to find a middle ground and give your life some balance.
Finally, perhaps your feel like your life has fallen into a rut- it has become stagnant- it might be worth thinking of things you can do to get things moving again whether that is in your personal or professional life.
Source: www.dreammean.com
Tagged in Dream Interpretation