To dream that you are a miner might suggest that you are being pushed to your limits in your waking hours.

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Perhaps you are overcome with the stressors in your life and are finding it hard to cope. Even more so if you were a sick miner or saw a miner who was trapped or ill- your waking life is too tough for you right now.

The dream could be telling you to take some time for yourself to rest and recuperate. Or do you need to make some changes to ensure this doesn’t happen again? Are people taking advantage of you? Do you need to put yourself first for once?

Miners are also a symbol of hard work and success as a result so perhaps you are working hard now and it doesn’t feel like you are being rewarded for your efforts. The dream could be acting as a reminder that your rewards will come, and it will all be worth it eventually.

On the flipside, perhaps you aren’t working very hard at present and you feel entitled despite your lack of effort. Perhaps the dream is a reality check that you need to push harder for what you want.

If you dreamed of a miner working in an old mine- this could refer to something from your past. Perhaps there is something from your previous years that you need to apply to the present. Or it could represent your work ethic when you were younger- do you need to claw some of that attitude back?

Consider what you were mining for- this might give you greater insight into what resources you feel you need.

More negatively, you may be trying to find anything in your power to keep things on an even keel. Perhaps you feel your efforts will be a waste of time as the resource you are looking or is never guaranteed. Do you need to look elsewhere?

RELATED: What does it mean to dream about a well?

To dream about a water well suggests you have some inner strength or resource within you that you need to draw on or tap into. Perhaps you are struggling to believe in yourself lately and the dream is telling you to dig deeper because you do have what it takes although it may not seem like you do at first glance. If you were looking down into a well in your dream, you may have been doing some soul searching lately and looking inwardly for some answers as to who you really are and what makes you happy... to read more click HERE

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