If you were wearing earmuffs in your dream, then it’s possible you don’t want to hear something in your waking life.

Credit: Anthony Behar/SIPA USA/PA Images

Credit: Anthony Behar/SIPA USA/PA Images

Perhaps you already know what it is and don’t want someone to confirm it for you- or maybe- you don’t but you sense it will be bad for you. You may have adopted the 'ignorance is bliss' attitude in life to get you through.

Perhaps you are trying to shield yourself from the cold words of someone. If they are being unkind about someone you care about or even you- it’s possible you don’t want to hear them. Blocking them out helps you to pretend they said nothing in the first place.    

Maybe you have a habit of hearing only the things you want to and not the things you don’t. Your attitude could be affecting your relationships as a result.

MORE: Female First's A-Z Dictionary of Dreams

If someone else was wearing earmuffs in your dream, then you may feel like you’re not being heard by those at home or at work. Why don’t others listen to you when you need them to? Could it be what you are taking about or the way you are communicating with them? Could changing either of these encourage them to listen to you?

If you were buying earmuffs in your sleep state then you are deliberately being ignorant to something or someone during your waking hours. Is this proving beneficial or is it delaying the inevitable?

Earmuffs are also associated with childhood- so maybe you need to have more fun during your waking hours or spend more time with someone who brings out your childish side.

It’s possible you have been reflecting on your childhood lately and something about it has given you some insight into your behaviour as an adult.

RELATED: What does it mean to dream about a dragon?

Consider who was with you or what else you could see in the dream for additional meaning. Why are you so afraid of this thing or person? How can you overcome these intense feelings?Perhaps you are acting dangerously towards someone in your life at present or feel that someone else is and that is what is scaring you so much. Do you need to stop this behaviour before it gets you into real trouble or create some space between you and the person you believe to be acting so recklessly?

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