When you dream of a disc jockey, it’s possible you need to feel more in tune with your instincts if you think you are disconnected from them at present. It might be worth taking some time out and thinking hard about your own morals and beliefs and act in line with what feels right for you rather than following others.

Dreams on Female First

Dreams on Female First

Perhaps you feel you lack control over your own life right now and need to regain a sense of authority over your own surroundings, emotions or the direction in which you’re headed.

Is someone taking the reins in your waking life? If so it might be time to tell them that you’re taking back control or you may want to consider seeing them less if they can’t accept taking a step back.

It could also be a hint that you need to enjoy life more, which could involve dancing and listening to more music or this could be symbolic of something else that makes you happy. Consider what you might miss and think about ways to incorporate it back into your life again. Or think about who you would like to spend more time with and make the effort to get back in touch.  

It could also be a message from your subconscious- so it may be worth thinking about the words you could hear in your dream or the way you felt in the dream. Perhaps it was trying to give you advice about something going on in your waking life. Do you need to party less? Take control more? Socialise more or less? Stop following the crowd? Plan ahead?

Another interpretation is that you are able to easily create a mood or an atmosphere ideal for highlighting your talents or so you can communicate with people better.

Source: www.edreampedia.org

The Complete A-Z Dictionary of Dreams by Ian Wallace 

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