If you are not deaf in real life but dream that you are, it’s possible you are feeling cut off from the world around you- you see yourself as an outsider.

We find out what it means to dream about being deaf
Perhaps you are the one who is closing yourself off from new experiences and choosing to be on your own. Are you missing out on key opportunities as a result?
On the other hand, the dream could mean that you are refusing to hear a piece of information because you know it will be upsetting or you are being defensive about something and would rather avoid the truth.
You may have issues taking criticism or don’t think it’s important to listen to other people’s advice, opinions, feelings or ideas. You might be deliberately choosing not to listen to anyone- only to what you want. The dream could be a reminder to you to take criticism in your stride. Something that is said to you may seem offensive at first, but perhaps there is some truth to what people are telling you about yourself and there is in fact room for improvement.
Alternately, the dream could simply mean that you need some peace and quiet away from others. Perhaps you need a vacation or just a break without any disruptions or distractions.
If someone else was deaf in you dream, this could mean that someone close to you is withdrawn and reluctant to share their emotions with you.
It could also be that you or someone else in your waking hours has problems understanding instructions. You may feel like your own words are falling on deaf ears if others were unable to hear you in your dreamscape.
It’s possible you are struggling to understand what’s going on around you. Perhaps you feel that everyone else is on the ball but you are lagging behind or are misinformed.
Source: www.dreammoods.com
Tagged in Dream Interpretation