Riding a bike successfully is about balance. So perhaps this dream refers to the balance you have in your life right now or indeed, the lack of balance you feel either psychologically or emotionally.

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Image courtesy of Pixabay

If the bike was easy to ride, then you probably have control over all your responsibilities and the pleasures in your waking life. If you were struggling to ride the bike then you may be finding it hard to find that equilibrium and restore a sense of normalcy in your life.

Perhaps you are trying to adjust to a new situation and finding it hard to strike the right balance with the people and what’s expected of you. You might be trying desperately to maintain composure while in reality, you are on the brink of losing the very stability you are trying to convey.

It could be that you are trying to recover a bad relationship, you are attempting to be hopeful in a hopeless situation or work at something alone that requires more manpower.  You might be worried, troubled or have some bad habits that make it hard for you to remain positive and balanced that you are trying to overcome.

If you fell off the bike in your dream then perhaps you were unable to complete something during your waking hours or you need to ask for help. You are trying to fix a problem by yourself when you would benefit from someone else’s input or assistance.

With that said, if you got back on the bike, then you may be returning to something after a setback but it hasn’t affected your drive to push on and try again.

If you were riding a bike in beautiful surroundings then you may need to take some time off and enjoy the simpler things in life. Alternatively, things might feel quite easy for you right now and you aren’t taking that fact for granted.

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A wheel can also be indicative of going round and round- perhaps you are in a state of monotony right now and you need to make a conscious effort to prevent yourself from getting swept up in the repetitiveness of life. If you want something different for yourself, you need to change the course of things. On the flipside, perhaps you find this constant movement and predictability to be reassuring, in which case, leave things as they are, even if others don’t understand why you like it so much. Consider the expression ‘third wheel’- if you believe you are tagging onto an already established relationship and the other two are putting up with you out of politeness, it might be time to move on. You will probably never be welcome within this setup. It might be difficult to admit, but the truth is- you deserve more. Was your dream referring to the wheel of fortune? In other words things could quickly go from bad to good or good to bad, but you will have little notice of either. The dream might be telling you to stay sharp and to look out for any signs of change...

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