How do you feel about returning to the Big Brother House?
I am really, really nervous. I’m most nervous about getting out of the car though. Before I was 22 and I didn’t have a care in the world. Four and a half years later I’m 27, I know how it works and that’s not always a good thing.
I expect the experience to be different. I’m different. There are things that I would not have spoken up for before that I would now. I’m wiser now. I’ll be braver and speak my mind a bit more; I’ll stand up for myself and hold my own.
Why are you doing it?
It was the best thing that ever happened to me in my life. It changed my life completely. There was no question of me not doing it.
In a way it is really nice as last time was such a blur. It is nice to go back for a second time so I can enjoy it and savour the experience a lot more. I want to remember it. Last time it was such a massive blur and if I am honest it would be great to get some work out of it too. I’m sure that’s why we’re all really doing it!
There are rumours that Preston is going in too. How do you feel about that?
I’ve heard the rumours that he is going in too. I’d love to see him in there. I love him, I really do and I always will. It would be crazy to be in there with him because it’s where we met. Also on Wednesday it would have been our fourth wedding anniversary if we’d still been together, which is weird. If he is in there I’m going to ask him if he remembers what day it is! I’m sure he won’t.
Last time you met Preston in the house. Are you looking for love again?
That’s funny because I said that to one of the producers. I haven’t had a proper boyfriend since Preston so who knows, fingers crossed! I could meet the next one in there. I saw Dane Bowers on the posters. If he is in there I’m happy.
Do you still watch Big Brother?
Yes! I have loved this series but I have been surprised by who has made the final. If I had to pick a winner it would be Josie. I hope she does it.
What about other UBB housemates, who would you like in the house with you?
The one person I would really not like to see is Nikki Graeme. I think she’s a troublemaker. I could deal with anyone but not Nikki Graeme. I’d love Preston to be there. I’d have a friend in there with me. It is a bit like a first day at school, no one really knows anyone, if Preston was there I’d feel at ease and I would have his support.
You have done this before, do you have a plan on how to win?
No, I am just going in to be me and enjoy myself. If you think too much you’d be gutted if people voted you out as it’s not ‘me’. I’ve grown up a lot since last time and so people will see a different me. I am not as naïve. It’s a good thing I hope.
Who is your Ultimate Big Brother Housemate?
Craig, he’s done really well, he’s got where he has because he is good at what he does. If she were here then Jade too. She was the Ultimate Housemate, no one can deny that.
What are you expecting from Big Brother? Are you looking forward to the tasks?
I’m up for anything. Last time it was all fun. I’m game for it. But I hope they don’t make me sing again. As it is the last one I hope that it will be fun but I am sure there will be a bit of nastiness. I’d hate eating tasks. Like the taco task this series and Dave and Mario were sick. I’m sure they will make sure the show goes out with a bang.
Tagged in Big Brother Chantelle Houghton