Olivia and Tracy always seem to cause the most drama

Olivia and Tracy always seem to cause the most drama

Jerseylicious has returned for a third season and it has yet to disappoint. Once again, it's complete with cat-fights and diva behaviour and we couldn't be more thrilled.

We speak to the stars of the show Olivia and Tracy who tell us what's going on this season, how they stay in shape, where they look to for style inspiration and why Jersey is the greatest place, ever.

Tell us a little bit about the show, for anyone who hasn't watched it.

Olivia: The show is about, it's about a salon in Jersey and it follows the lives of the people who work there. And we're all very head-strong people, confident. Like alphas so all of our personalities tend to clash, you know. You know there is a lot of drama, a lot of tension build up. We're all very confident, we all wear crazy outfits, we have a unique fashion sense.

I think our show is interesting to watch for multiple reasons; for the drama, for the culture. It's different, New Jersey is different from anywhere else in the world, it's true, it's its own little continent.

So what's happening in season 3, what are we going to see this season?

Tracy: Basically, what goes on is, we all feel comfortable because this is like the third season of our show. So we're all super super comfortable, so we don't hold back anymore. Because in like the first season we didn't say how we really felt and now we're like at this level were like we're a family, a giant dysfunctional family, that we kind of just say what we feel and that's like were all of drama comes from. There's everyone fighting this year, me and Olivia, Olivia and Briella, me and Briella, Olivia Gayle, me Gayle, literally everyone. It's a gaint free-for-all, it's horrible.

Everyone's going to love it, so. It's great for everyone but us. Because it's super embarrassing for us, but everyone tends to love it so.

So do we get to see a lot of drama between the both of you, Olivia and Tracy, because that's what most people want.

Tracy: I think that's the reason most people watch the show, because it's so drama filled. We don't hold back and we pretty much go all out.

Tell us a bit about your individual style, like who do you look to for inspiration?

Tracy: I don't really look to certain people for style, I look to different time periods. I really like the eighties. I like the sixties too, I like big hair, I like crazy bell sleeves, I like short dresses. I love to dress up, I like to get really, really fancy with dresses, and heels. I have an expensive selection of heels in my room. And we all really, really have an obession with animal print. Obviously. I think I'm the more girly, girl and Olivia is the opposite.

Olivia: I'm kind of like an inner tomboy, I mean I was always a tomboy growing up. I always kinds of dressed differently to everybody else. I used to get made fun-of when I was younger, but now it kind of works to my advantage. I feel like I have a bit of an edge to my style, I kind of have a goth and a rock kind of edge to me. I don't like dresses, I do have some, but they have to really strike me in order for me to get them. I like making outfits more than I like dresses, I like putting pieces together. I just feel like I can show more personality using pieces.

I'm really big on skin, I use doctor prescribed lotions and my faviourite bronzer is Nars casino, my faviourite eye liner is by L'Oreal - it's like a cream pot.

When it comes to style icons, I look up to a lot of people in the eighties, like Michael Jackson, Madonna, Prince, David Bowie, Elton John you know those who are very outgoing and fun and very daring. Now I like Lady Gaga because I feel like she is daring and she takes risks and she does it in a high fashion kind of way.

Olivia do you want to tell us some make-up tips of the trade?

Olivia: I always have an eye liner wing - when I have dark make-up or light make-up, like 90 per cent of the time I have a wing. And a wing is like when you take the liner out of the outer corner of your eye upwards, it's a catty and an exotic kind of look. I mean, you can do that and nothing else and you'll look dramatically more exotic looking. That little tiny thing, which takes like two seconds to put on. I suggest using a cream eyeliner with a brush, because liquid eyeliners tend to bleed outwards, and pencils - well, all eyeliner pencils in the world should be put in a big bonfire and burned. They last for like five seconds and have come off within like an hour.

Use SPF, it's really important to use SPF on your face. With my body, I do go tanning, but my face I do use SPF on it. You know my body might look like a leather handbag but at least my face won't.

Tracy, your the hairdresser so what's your go-to hairstyle?

Tracy: I usually wear my hair like pin straight or I'll do it with crazy curls at night-time, because then they'll fall out and become like waves because I feel like when you curl your hair, even though I'm a hairdresser and I know how to curl, by the time that you're done curling your hair they've already fallen out. So I do super-tight curls at night time and then I sleep on them so that they're like waves in the morning and then I tease them really big. So it's kind-of like an over-the-top sexy Farrah Fawcett hair.

I love really big hair. I have like really wide hips and a really small head so big hair evens out my body. It makes me look in proportion.

You both have really great, real womens figures. How do you both stay in shape?

Olivia: I don't work out, but I eat really healthy. I don't do it just to stay in shape, I mean my boyfriend is a personal trainer and he eats really healthy all of the time, so I was just around it, so I started eating healthy and it made me feel better. I like the feeling of eating clean. I just eat really healthy, I mean I don't work out. Like when I'm going down the Shore or something, I think that doing a couple of sit-ups is going to do something. You know how people like binge-drink well I kind of binge exercise. I think that the one day of working out is going to show results. I just don't have the attention span to be in a gym, I get so bored. I don't know, maybe if they dangled a really, cute sparkly bangle in front of me on a treadmill, then maybe I'd run to it like a donkey and a carrot.

Tracy: I'm like a really curvy girl to begin with and if I worked out then I'd be really skinny. Because I used to work out and I was really skinny. But with filming we don't have a lot of free time, the cameras are with us 24/7 and on top of it, we work at the salon. We can work up to 12 hours a day and by the time we go home, we're so exausted that we don't even have the time to order food or cook because we just want to sleep. Then we have to get up and do it all again. So there's really no time for working out or anything. But I go to the mall a lot and I shop that's really a lot of walking and I carry really heavy bags, with all of the stuff that I buy, so that's like my work out, I shop.

What's so special about Jersey?

Tracy: People are finally realising how amazing we are, it's such a small state that I think we get overlooked a lot. And we're typically known as New York, red-headed step child and that no-one likes us but, everyone loves us. Let's be serious. Jersey is the craziest place and everyone should visit it and because once you go there you just experience so much. The food is insane, we have amazing food, we have amazing people. Even though we're a really small state, we have amazing, big hearts. Even though everything about us is fake, our tan, our boobs, our eyelashes, our hair, everything; we're like the real-est people, because we give it to you really real and we're up front and honest and I think that's the best kind of people. My mother taught me right; you don't talk about someone behind their back, you say it to their face.

Jerseylicious, Wednesdays at 9pm only on Style (Sky: 253)

Femalefirst Taryn Davies

Jerseylicious has returned for a third season and it has yet to disappoint. Once again, it's complete with cat-fights and diva behaviour and we couldn't be more thrilled.

We speak to the stars of the show Olivia and Tracy who tell us what's going on this season, how they stay in shape, where they look to for style inspiration and why Jersey is the greatest place, ever.

Tell us a little bit about the show, for anyone who hasn't watched it.

Olivia: The show is about, it's about a salon in Jersey and it follows the lives of the people who work there. And we're all very head-strong people, confident. Like alphas so all of our personalities tend to clash, you know. You know there is a lot of drama, a lot of tension build up. We're all very confident, we all wear crazy outfits, we have a unique fashion sense.

I think our show is interesting to watch for multiple reasons; for the drama, for the culture. It's different, New Jersey is different from anywhere else in the world, it's true, it's its own little continent.

So what's happening in season 3, what are we going to see this season?

Tracy: Basically, what goes on is, we all feel comfortable because this is like the third season of our show. So we're all super super comfortable, so we don't hold back anymore. Because in like the first season we didn't say how we really felt and now we're like at this level were like we're a family, a giant dysfunctional family, that we kind of just say what we feel and that's like were all of drama comes from. There's everyone fighting this year, me and Olivia, Olivia and Briella, me and Briella, Olivia Gayle, me Gayle, literally everyone. It's a gaint free-for-all, it's horrible.

Everyone's going to love it, so. It's great for everyone but us. Because it's super embarrassing for us, but everyone tends to love it so.

So do we get to see a lot of drama between the both of you, Olivia and Tracy, because that's what most people want.

Tracy: I think that's the reason most people watch the show, because it's so drama filled. We don't hold back and we pretty much go all out.

Tell us a bit about your individual style, like who do you look to for inspiration?

Tracy: I don't really look to certain people for style, I look to different time periods. I really like the eighties. I like the sixties too, I like big hair, I like crazy bell sleeves, I like short dresses. I love to dress up, I like to get really, really fancy with dresses, and heels. I have an expensive selection of heels in my room. And we all really, really have an obession with animal print. Obviously. I think I'm the more girly, girl and Olivia is the opposite.

Olivia: I'm kind of like an inner tomboy, I mean I was always a tomboy growing up. I always kinds of dressed differently to everybody else. I used to get made fun-of when I was younger, but now it kind of works to my advantage. I feel like I have a bit of an edge to my style, I kind of have a goth and a rock kind of edge to me. I don't like dresses, I do have some, but they have to really strike me in order for me to get them. I like making outfits more than I like dresses, I like putting pieces together. I just feel like I can show more personality using pieces.

I'm really big on skin, I use doctor prescribed lotions and my faviourite bronzer is Nars casino, my faviourite eye liner is by L'Oreal - it's like a cream pot.

When it comes to style icons, I look up to a lot of people in the eighties, like Michael Jackson, Madonna, Prince, David Bowie, Elton John you know those who are very outgoing and fun and very daring. Now I like Lady Gaga because I feel like she is daring and she takes risks and she does it in a high fashion kind of way.

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