

Giuliana Rancic will be joining Ryan Seacrest on the red carpet at the Oscars at the weekend checking out who got their fashion choice right and who committed a faux pas.

 1.  Do you actually watch all the nominated movies and shows?  Where do you find the time?   

It is simply impossible to watch EVERYthing, so I really try to focus on the major categories and the "star vehicles" since I know I will likely be talking with those stars on the carpet. 

Luckily, by the time Oscars gets here, I've had more time to fill in some of the gaps after Golden Globes.

2.  What is the weirdest thing you have seen on the Red Carpet?        

One of the strangest things I’ve witnessed on the red carpet was when the gorgeous young actress Megan Fox said that she thought she looked like a transvestite when she looked in the mirror. 

She was dead serious when she said that in the interview and it shocked everyone because she is so stunning!

3.  Who was the last celebrity who made you feel star struck, and why?     

The last celebrity who made me feel star struck is Al Pacino.  At the last Emmy Awards, he arrived late and wasn’t going to do any press, but I ran down to the carpet and brought him back up to the E! platform for an interview that ended up being great!

4.  Do you do any special preparation regarding FASHION for the Red Carpet?  Do you read up on designers, or have people working for you who try to find out who will be wearing what so that you are prepared?       

Yes, we have a fashion squad that is devoted to learning who will be wearing what leading up to the big day. 

I like to know the designers, trends, colors and silhouettes that are going to be the most prominent on the carpet beforehand so I can let the audience know what to expect.

5.  How much of what you ask the stars on the Red Carpet is your personal choice and how much is from your team telling you what to ask?         

Oh, it is a healthy combination of both.  Since I research, write and report entertainment news every day, I already know a lot of what is topical and on viewers' minds. 

Luckily, I have great producers who will also tell me important bits of information beforehand in our pre-meetings as we prepare for the big day so that I don't forget to ask something big.

6.  Do you have any fashion trends to predict for this awards season?  Classic elegance?  Glitz and glamour?  Understated dignity?      

Classic elegance.

7.  Does your husband hang out with you at the Red Carpet shows, just off-camera perhaps?      

No, he does not.  My husband is busy traveling the world working so he doesn’t have time to hang out on the red carpet.

8.  Which do you spend more time on in preparing for a Red Carpet show -- your wardrobe/hair/makeup or what you will ask the stars?         

Wardrobe.  I am always confident that my hair and make up will look fabulous because I have to be hair and make up ready for E! News everyday, but with dresses, they change season to season so sometimes I don’t know what I am wearing until the last minute.  It’s quite nerve-wracking!

9.  You tend to do all the fashion stuff, while Ryan does more interviews with the stars?  Who do you think has the best job of the two of you?      

Me, for sure.  I adore fashion and have all my life, so it is natural that I would take the lead on that.  But I also get to interview top stars as well, so I really have the best of both worlds.

10.  Who do you think are the most elegant/fashionable male and female celebs, who never disappoint on the Red Carpet?  Two or three of each, please ...   

Male: George Clooney, Jon Hamm, Mark Wahlberg / Female: Natalie Portman, Sandra Bullock, January Jones

11.  Since you are ON the Red Carpet AND doing Fashion Police the next day, aren't you a little worried about what Joan Rivers might have to say about your Red Carpet appearance?      

Joan has one of the keenest eyes for fashion in the world.  I would gladly accept any constructive criticism she would have.

12.  Tell us about one of your 'personal best' moments on the Red Carpet?         

I was in the middle of interviewing Tom Hanks the year that Halle Berry won for "Monster," and Halle was walking onto the carpet during my interview with Tom. 

He is a lovely man and I would never disrespect him, but my producer was screaming in my ear "here comes Halle Berry.  Get her!"  I thought quickly and said "Tom, have you met Halle Berry," introducing the two of them right there on E! 

It turns out they had NOT met before and I was able to really make a great moment out of a potential missed opportunity.  Whew!

13.  Now that you have your own show on Style, do you view yourself more as a presenter/host or a celebrity, and why? 

I feel that celebrity happens because of the onscreen work that you do.  My real job is to research, write, produce and present entertainment news. 

It happens that because of this, and my husband's victory on "The Apprentice," it made sense that people might like to watch a show about how we make our marriage work. 

So far, so good.  But, long after "Giuliana and Bill" is off the air, I plan to be a working girl.

Giuliana Rancic will be joining Ryan Seacrest on the red carpet at the Oscars at the weekend checking out who got their fashion choice right and who committed a faux pas.

 1.  Do you actually watch all the nominated movies and shows?  Where do you find the time?   

It is simply impossible to watch EVERYthing, so I really try to focus on the major categories and the "star vehicles" since I know I will likely be talking with those stars on the carpet. 

Luckily, by the time Oscars gets here, I've had more time to fill in some of the gaps after Golden Globes.

2.  What is the weirdest thing you have seen on the Red Carpet?        

One of the strangest things I’ve witnessed on the red carpet was when the gorgeous young actress Megan Fox said that she thought she looked like a transvestite when she looked in the mirror. 

She was dead serious when she said that in the interview and it shocked everyone because she is so stunning!

3.  Who was the last celebrity who made you feel star struck, and why?     

The last celebrity who made me feel star struck is Al Pacino.  At the last Emmy Awards, he arrived late and wasn’t going to do any press, but I ran down to the carpet and brought him back up to the E! platform for an interview that ended up being great!

4.  Do you do any special preparation regarding FASHION for the Red Carpet?  Do you read up on designers, or have people working for you who try to find out who will be wearing what so that you are prepared?       

Yes, we have a fashion squad that is devoted to learning who will be wearing what leading up to the big day. 

I like to know the designers, trends, colors and silhouettes that are going to be the most prominent on the carpet beforehand so I can let the audience know what to expect.

5.  How much of what you ask the stars on the Red Carpet is your personal choice and how much is from your team telling you what to ask?         

Oh, it is a healthy combination of both.  Since I research, write and report entertainment news every day, I already know a lot of what is topical and on viewers' minds. 

Luckily, I have great producers who will also tell me important bits of information beforehand in our pre-meetings as we prepare for the big day so that I don't forget to ask something big.

6.  Do you have any fashion trends to predict for this awards season?  Classic elegance?  Glitz and glamour?  Understated dignity?      

Classic elegance.

7.  Does your husband hang out with you at the Red Carpet shows, just off-camera perhaps?      

No, he does not.  My husband is busy traveling the world working so he doesn’t have time to hang out on the red carpet.

8.  Which do you spend more time on in preparing for a Red Carpet show -- your wardrobe/hair/makeup or what you will ask the stars?         

Wardrobe.  I am always confident that my hair and make up will look fabulous because I have to be hair and make up ready for E! News everyday, but with dresses, they change season to season so sometimes I don’t know what I am wearing until the last minute.  It’s quite nerve-wracking!

9.  You tend to do all the fashion stuff, while Ryan does more interviews with the stars?  Who do you think has the best job of the two of you?      

Me, for sure.  I adore fashion and have all my life, so it is natural that I would take the lead on that.  But I also get to interview top stars as well, so I really have the best of both worlds.

10.  Who do you think are the most elegant/fashionable male and female celebs, who never disappoint on the Red Carpet?  Two or three of each, please ...