Male: George Clooney, Jon Hamm, Mark Wahlberg / Female: Natalie Portman, Sandra Bullock, January Jones

11.  Since you are ON the Red Carpet AND doing Fashion Police the next day, aren't you a little worried about what Joan Rivers might have to say about your Red Carpet appearance?      

Joan has one of the keenest eyes for fashion in the world.  I would gladly accept any constructive criticism she would have.

12.  Tell us about one of your 'personal best' moments on the Red Carpet?         

I was in the middle of interviewing Tom Hanks the year that Halle Berry won for "Monster," and Halle was walking onto the carpet during my interview with Tom. 

He is a lovely man and I would never disrespect him, but my producer was screaming in my ear "here comes Halle Berry.  Get her!"  I thought quickly and said "Tom, have you met Halle Berry," introducing the two of them right there on E! 

It turns out they had NOT met before and I was able to really make a great moment out of a potential missed opportunity.  Whew!

13.  Now that you have your own show on Style, do you view yourself more as a presenter/host or a celebrity, and why? 

I feel that celebrity happens because of the onscreen work that you do.  My real job is to research, write, produce and present entertainment news. 

It happens that because of this, and my husband's victory on "The Apprentice," it made sense that people might like to watch a show about how we make our marriage work. 

So far, so good.  But, long after "Giuliana and Bill" is off the air, I plan to be a working girl.