Dick and Dom
Dick and Dom are legends amongst the under 10s and now with a new slot on Radio One and a huge student following it looks like they are finally growing up. Richard McCourt and Dominic Wood were let out of 'Da Bungalow' to talk to Female First about bogies, slap heads and their new campaign to revive Christmas Carols alongside Pringles.
You've just taken over the Sunday morning show on Radio One and you've even been doing a few DJ spots around the country- does this mean you're targeting a more adult audience these days?
Dick: Well yes hopefully, because we have still got the little ones that follow us from Dick and Dom in da bungalow days, but a lot of students and a lot of dads watched that, so hopefully we are bringing them over to the radio one audience connecting to a new audience there as well which will help us do our little jump over to Saturday night on BBC 1. Dom: Well we have got one more project for BBC that we have still got to nail, the working title for that is, The War of The Slap Heads. Then we are choosing our best next move.Do you still get people shouting bogies at you when you're out and about?
Dom: We get a lot of people shouting bogies especially at Butlins when we played the Ultimate Weekend there. We were going to stay in the chalet but we didnt, they have got plastic sheets.How did you meet?
Dick: We met at CBBC, Childrens BBC in a studio that was next to the original broom cupboard. Dom : He was presenting and I was making the tea but then it all got knocked down because of asbestos. Dick: So we met there and became mates, because everyone else was quite a lot older and then we ended up being house mates for five years.
Would you ever consider working seperately from each other?
Dom: Its better with, because there is always someone to blame if something goes wrong.Dick: Theres something to hold on to, so if Im worried I can hold on to Dom.
Dom: And if Im worried I can hold on to No I cant.
Dom, you are actually married. What does your wife think about you being so crazy?
Dom: Every morning she wakes up and says, oh thank goodness I go out with him.Dick: Thats why she married him because hes so mad.
Dom: Shes very sane actually...well sometimes she can be a little bit scatty.
So tell us what this new campaign is about?
Dick: The Pringles campaign got together with us and we agreed that the Christmas carol singing has gone down the swanny a bit so we are trying to revamp it and bring it back but in a new way, we want families to get together or a group of friends to get together and start singing Christmas carols or their own versions of Christmas carols.Dom: Yes its called, Jingles for Pringles its our Christmas carol competition. Film yourselves singing a Christmas carol of your choice, it doesnt have to be a traditional one you can take the tune of a traditional Christmas carol and chose your own words. Or you could be dressed up, say like Ozzy Osbourne singing a rock version of silent night something like that,
Dom: Or you could dress up as a prawn,
Dick: Or a Christmas pud- maybe a load of puddings. Then when youve got this film, youve then got to upload the video on to a special website.
Dom: Here is the address of the website in which you send us your stuff to: www.pringles.com/christmas
Dick: Now if youre not technical like me most supermarkets in the U.K will be happy having Jingles for Pringles staff on their premises over the next few weeks and they will have all of their video cameras and stuff - so they could do it for you, but heres the good bit.
Dom: There is money to be won because every single week we are going to pick out the best of the week and they will win themselves £2,000 which will help fight off them Christmas credit card bills.
Dick: We are giving away £2,000 all the way up to Christmas. The closing date for the competition is the 29th November, because if you send in your video and you are the winner, the video is for that video of your family singing a Christmas carol to appear on ITV1 prime time television on Christmas day.
Caz Moss- Female First